Our case studies

In the case studies, we gathered what challenges we faced and what solutions we offered. Do you have questions? Don't hesitate to ask us!

Information Technology

Instant CMR

InstantCMR sought high-availability, secure, cloud-based managed service and operations support for its mobile-related mobile applications.

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Financial Services


Our client needed a flexibly expandable containerized platform. The product, being a financial solution, had to meet strict card handling standards.

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Information Technology


ChemAxon wanted to gain up-to-date knowledge about cloud-based services for AWS projects.

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Media & Entertainment

Jaystack / Bourne Assetbox

Jaystack has sought TC2’s expert help to set up and operate Bourne’s assetbox content provider’s new website.

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Information Technology

Loxon Solutions

Loxon Solutions was looking for a so-called low-code platform that best supports the launch of their products.

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Information Technology

XS Matrix

The XS Matrix solutions run on AWS, and TC2 was asked to design and implement a modern, containerized, native cloud architecture for smooth operation.

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Media & Entertainment

Bauer Media

Bauer Media wanted to use AWS to create analyzes from the customer data of the price and product comparison portals it owned to improve its marketing activities.

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Financial Services


SEON faced architectural challenges for which it sought external support from TC2 experts.

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Telenor's goal was to examine and evaluate cloud IT architectures and services that support the development of its existing applications and infrastructure platform.

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Perfect Play

Perfect Play wanted to run WordPress / PHP-based pages more efficiently and reliably.

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Intersnack uses state-of-the-art cloud-based Big Data technologies that it wanted to gain deeper knowledge from TC2 experts.

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Magyar Telekom

Magyar Telekom planned to implement public cloud informatics and hybrid architecture to solve its VMware-based private cloud.

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Based on the strategic guidelines of Vodafone group, the Hungarian subsidiary of Vodafone decided to run at least 40% of its IT workloads in the cloud by 2020.

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Information Technology

Inovivo Group (formerly Ness Hungary)

The goal of Ness Hungary was to provide its customers with a competitive offer for the implementation of their SAP systems.

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Information Technology


Through its expertise, EPAM also provides state-of-the-art cloud-based technology in the field of data warehousing. He applied for a grant for his project.

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Media & Entertainment


The portal is built on AWS platform. Therefore, ATV asked TC2 to run the portal assessment according to best practices.

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Energy & Utility


ELMŰ has been looking for a cloud-based technology that allows applications to run cost-effectively and supports migration from the data center to an agile service.

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Financial Services


A Fundamenta Lakáskassza Zrt. Planned to implement its new application platform and frontend applications with a microservice architecture, on a Kubernetes platform, operated in the cloud.

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ERBA – TE Food

Erba was looking for an agile platform that provided standard operation, easy integration, low-cost operation, and fast and global scalability.

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Information Technology

Formula/400 Kft.

For its next-generation Formula / 400 application for fintech insurance companies, it was looking for an automated backend infrastructure focused on security and scalability.

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Energy & Utility


Within the framework of the large-scale cloud transformation project, E.ON wanted to modernize its systems and applications with the help of cloud technology.

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Information Technology


DOQSYS required a higher availability and easier to operate environment that flexibly follows needs in terms of both resources and costs.

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Web & App

The number of visitors to the e-commerce portal and the initiation of transactions on the site has already been a significant burden due to the higher access data of foreign sites. Running this in traditional VPS (server hosting) centers with a traditional, “brute force” approach, Web & App was mostly unable to handle it at a very high cost.

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Information Technology


Transcend has requested TC2 to develop, optimize and operate its AWS-based platform. In addition to the flexible management of everyday needs, robustness and responsiveness were also decisive aspects in the operation.

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Extending business and professional activities, Richter Gedeon acquired a gynecological application. The product was developed onto AWS, and they sought expert support for its hosting.

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Media & Entertainment

Endless Flux Labs

Endless Flux Labs planned to migrate high-traffic news sites to a well-scalable cloud platform.

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Financial Services


Due to the business growth plans, Bankmonitor required to build and operate a scalable, fault-tolerant, highly available container platform without vendor lock-in.

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Borsod Mentő Betegszállító Szolgálat

Borsod-Mentő was looking for a low-cost, high-reliability, HIPAA-compliant archiving system.

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