Generative AI 


01 - The challenge


The challenge

In the modern, digitalized era we live in today, so much content and information are consumed, that it is impossible to process by reading.

This information overload leads to the necessity for technology and tools, which understand natural languages and can effectively find connections between sources of data. These challenges are meant to be solved by Large Language Models (LLM) to effectively search and connect dots in huge amount of content. LLMs arekey building blocks of generative AI (genAI). 

02 - The solution


The solution

TC2 is committed to bringing the best solutions using AWS native services for generative AI. Using Bedrock genAI interfaces, and LLMs behind, with the ever growing 3rd party model partnerships AWS is actively developing, it is one of the best – taking into consideration versatility, cost and performance offered in a single platform. Amazon Q offers ready to use solutions for chatbot-based knowledgebase search, and also for Software development related tasks, to accelerate and improve efficiency of everyday work. 

GenAI Chatbot: TC2 offers a packaged solution for building knowledgebases from text contents, which can be effectively searched by a chatbot interface. The solution is optimized for the best performance and cost offered in the AWS platform, and is designed with security as top priority. TC2 offers the solution with an option to operate and optimize the platform components in the long run, so that customers can focus on leveraging the business benefits of the generative AI based chatbot solution. For custom development requirements, TC2 will utilize the extensive partner ecosystem with trusted partners, who can help solving data science related challenges. TC2’s GenAI Chatbot is great for use cases, where operators, employees or site visitors need to extract information from a large amount of content, which is typical for banks, insurance, e-commerce, legal companies, and the ones with advanced digitalization capabilities. 

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