Amazon Web Services

AWS for VMware: is there a way out of the Broadcom VMware license costs pitfall?


As the recent VMware acquisition by Broadcom had happened, several companies are reconsidering their hosting platform choice.

The total cost of ownership (TCO) for those using VMware has drastically changed, hence organizations are seeking for new viable alternatives for their virtualization and private cloud platform. 

Here at TC2, we have a long history of helping our clients with migration & modernization from various platforms, including VMware on premise to AWS optimized solutions. AWS is now offering their help through partners to migrate & modernize VMware workloads to AWS in a cost efficient and optimized way, to make sure companies can achieve better TCO figures compared to VMware hosting model. TC2 offers assessment your on-premises and cloud environments & builds a business case for migrating to AWS. TC2 is a certified Migration Competency Partner, eligible to use and offer all AWS benefits and tools available to accelerate your migration journey. From methodology-based design and delivery to 24/7 managed service-based operational support, we deliver the value of AWS to our customers. 


New to AWS and worried about introducing a new platform with Cloud operations and security challenges?

TC2 as a certified Migration Competency Partner has several years of proven track record of delivering AWS managed services for securing, optimizing, operating and supporting customer workloads, in cooperation with customer technical teams. Please check our customer case studies, including Magyar Telekom Plc. (subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom), whom TC2 helped with a solution to supplement its VMware-based private cloud solution with public cloud computing by creating a hybrid architecture. 

Get in touch with us to know more about how to prepare a migration business case, calculate Return on Investment (ROI) and the methodology-based steps and outcomes on your organization’s migration journey. Also learn about our TC2 managed services program, how we continuously optimize your AWS stack, save cost and secure your applications besides supporting with highly skilled, AWS certified engineers based on SLAs for any upcoming unexpected issues.